Labview controlled arduino

Image result for labview with arduino

Session for:
      In this session we will learn about how to control arduino using lab view.Normally Labview can interact with sensors and controllers with the help of DAQ,MY RIO type of devices.But the cost of these devices are very high compare to our devices conventional devices like arduino,Raspberry pie.So labview developed an environment that can help us to connect arduino with Labview. This is done by burning boot loader to arduino.
How to enable labview makers hub:
     The communication between arduino and Labview is Possible with the help of Library file called makershub.Which is the essential tool that help us to communicate arduino with Labview.But how to enable it?Here given below

  1. Open your Labview software in home page click tools button
  2. In tools menu You can find Makers hub option
Image result for labview with arduino
      3. If not shown,follow the below steps 
  • Type "Labview makers Hub"in google 
  • Then click the first link shown by the google or press the button below here
  • click Here
  • In this window click "Download through VIPM Recommended"
  • Now Labview package manager gets open then download starts automatically
  • Image result for labview package manager
  • After download check the above step once again labviw>tools>makershub
  • If it enabled click makershub>LINX>LINX frimware Wizard
  • Image result for labview with arduino
  • Then linx frimware wizard gets openend
  • Related image
  • Click Your arduino board and then click next 
  • Then your firmware gets uploaded to arduino
  • That's all now you can communicate easly with labview using arduino
  • Then by right click on blogdiagram pannel you can find makers hub bellow function pallete.
  • Image result for labview makerhub function palette
  • Now you can able to read,write arduino ports using labview.

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