Make your own DIY 3D printer

The 3D printer consist of main controller board as Ardunio Mega 2560  where the marlin firmware is loaded .The ardunio Ramps shield act as a driver circuit for the whole 3D printer. When the G-Code is given to the Arduino mega 2560 it delivers the signals to the port pins which is connected to Ramps shield then it drives the whole circuit by sending signals to them. While transmitting G-Code through software the Ramps shield controls stepper motors,LCD(20x4),extruder with the given co ordinates it mainly works on the principle of control flow algorithm which is pre-ly installed in marlin firmware. The whole firmware is edited and uploaded using Arduino IDE. The type of technology used is
  •        FDM(Fused Deposition Method )


Image result for stepper motor with lead screw
    This project is designed with following components: (With Link below)

     •Arduino Mega
     •Mini stepper drive
     •Lead screw
     •Extruder nozzle
     •Stepper motor  
     •Ramps 1.4 sheild

      Software available for 3D Printer control:

   Steps to update firmware to 3D printer:

     1.     Connect your 3D printer to the computer then open the XL loader software which is given in the link below
     2.     Then select the firmware to be uploaded to the 3D printer (Arduino) firmware link is given below
     3.     Click upload to upload the sketch to the 3D Printer
     4.     After that open Pronterface Software Connect the COM Port shown as Arduino
     5.     That’s all Now you can connect the 3D printer to the software then upload the file to print.

After all your assembly upload the firmware to arduino mega you can download using below link

Using XL Loader software you can upload sketch to the 3d printer using below link download it
